The NYC skyline is one of the most beautiful things in the
world, and no one can tell me any different. It doesn’t matter the time of day,
if it’s rainy or sunny, or if you’re in Manhattan or headed out to Staten
Island, the skyline always looks magnificent. There have been so many times
since I’ve moved here when things got really tough and I felt like I had made
the wrong decision. Like I couldn’t make it here. Like I should have stayed in
Texas. But it never fails that when I take a step back and get a glimpse of
this incredible city I am quickly reminded why I chose this place.
In New York making time for people is an intentional act.
You often have to go out of your way to schedule in some time for someone
because everyone here has a busy, hectic, insane schedule. We’re all committed to
ten thousand different activities, and free time frequently doesn’t line up.
That’s what makes relationships in New York so special. You know that the other
person made an intentional effort to spend time with you, to ask how you’re
doing, to go to Duane Reade with you because you don’t want to go alone. The
relationships that are made in New York are ones that will last forever. They’re
the friends that you get to know really well really quickly. The friends that
invite you back to their hometown so that you can see exactly where they came
from. The friends that you would fly across the country to watch them get
married. These are those forever friendships.
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